Thursday 19 November 2015

Video Games - The Research

The information below is based upon information from the Byron review, which was conducted for the government in 2008 by Dr Tanya Byron. The final version was produced after consultation with parents and has been rewritten for the Saint Jude’s blog on 19/11/15.

Children's use of Internet and video games is seen by some researchers as linked to violence and destructive behaviour. It seems that a child’s individual characteristics such as their age, personality and ability to learn, affects the level of risk. As the brain develops children become better at identifying and managing risks- most recent research conducted by the University of Bonn has shown that heavy use of ‘shooting type’ games (more than two hours a day) has an impact on the brain.


The research goes on to say that this affects the young person's ability to understand feelings and to control their emotions. Most research has been carried out on older children so we don't know the full effect the playing violent games may have on younger children, but we do know that when the repeat patterns of behaviour they build up pathways of learning in the brain therefore we can assume that excessive play of violent video games is likely to have a detrimental effect on the development of their values, ideas and behaviours.


This is why age rating codes are very important, as younger children are less likely to be able to recognise risk and manage this appropriately, it is important to keep this in mind with children who may be functioning at a level lower than their actual age in terms of social skills and learning. What may be okay for the peers may not be suitable for them due to differences in their developmental stage. Young children's perception and expectations of the real world can be affected, as they are developing the ability to identify between fact and fiction.

As printed in – Information for Parents-The effects of playing video games on children and young people.

CAMHS - Falcon House


Monday 9 November 2015

Time to dig out your Pudsey Ears and spotty t-shirts - It's Children in Need!

Hi All

Just a short note to let you know that we will be raising money on Friday 13th November for Children in Need.

This year we are asking children to come to school in non uniform and to donate £1 to the cause or to bring in some cakes. We are sure that some of you will do both.

Cakes will be on sale during the day with any extras on sale at the end of the day.

More information to follow. ​

Thank you

Monday 2 November 2015

Good Morning.
Welcome back to another exciting half term at St Jude's. As always there will be many exciting things happening to inspire learning this term.
Some year groups were given a bit of a teaser at the end of last half term.

Brrr! It's cold in year 4.

Year 2 will disappear.

It will be Grimm for year 3.

We look forward to sharing more with you as the term progresses.

Can I just take this opportunity to remind you of the extra things happening during parents evening tomorrow and Wednesday.

The scholastic book fair- in the hall- a great opportunity to support the school and pick up some Christmas presents.

Pre-loved uniform for sale.

Tea and Coffee

Home support books on sale at 2 for £10. "Give your child a head start with a years worth of ready to go activities" inline with the 2014 curriculum.

Pastoral drop in.

We all look forward to seeing you tomorrow.